Standards can help
Richard Ward, Chairman of NASPO INTERNATIONAL (NASPO stands for North American Security Products Organization), then spoke about how standards that touched the tax stamp industry could be used as a framework for developing an RFP. The standards he discussed were either in existence or underway (although work on ISO 19998, a guidance standard specific to tax stamps, is only in its initial stages).
‘The first thing to do is to get the stakeholders together to conduct a risk analysis, using the standards developed for that purpose, and then to develop solutions to mitigate those individual risks,’ said Richard, adding, ‘Such analysis involves looking at what your risks are in your particular situation. One country will have one set of risks, while another country will have another set’.
Richard then went on to discuss standards specific to different parts of the supply chain. For the integrator or printer who manufactures the stamp, there are two standards that cover related risk analysis. These are ISO 14298 and NASPO’s near equivalent, SA 2013. The difference between them is that the ISO standard covers the printer and the NASPO standard covers the printer and the entire supply chain.