It is my pleasure to announce that Kelly Smith, Mike Caffrey, Tony Orsello, Dennis Kallelis, and Bill Mahoney have been elected to the NASPO INTERNATIONAL Board of Directors. Their service on the Board will extend for two years.
The primary roles of the BoD (as defined in the NASPO INTERNATIONAL Bylaws) are:
1. Creation of standing and/or oversight committees including but not limited to:
a. Nominations Committee
b. Governance Appeals Committee
c. Auditing and Standards Appeals Committee
2. Approval of changes in the financial accounting system of NASPO INTERNATIONAL
a. Approve changes in membership dues schedule
3. Nomination and/or renewal of “advisor” as deemed appropriate by the Board
4. Approval of special assessments
5. Approval of “Dues free” membership in lieu of membership dues as compensation for ongoing NASPO work
6. Engagement of independent contractors by NASPO
7. Selection of NASPO INTERNATIONAL Ombudsman
8. Payment approval for external projects that may require NASPO to pay participation fees, dues, consulting fees or commit NASPO to pay for travel
9. Indemnification of NASPO Officers, consultants, contractors and auditors in legal proceedings